Pricing Sections style 1
Our Pricing
Pay only fixed monthly fee and the rest we will handle for you!
Start Up
$19.99 /Month
$199.99 /Year
100 Employee
Unlimited Features
Presentation Software
Project Management
Event Management
Small Business
$29.99 /Month
$299.99 /Year
500 Employee
Unlimited Features
Presentation Software
Project Management
Event Management
Most Popular
Big Business
$39.99 /Month
$399.99 /Year
1000 Employee
Unlimited Features
Presentation Software
Project Management
Event Management
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<h2 class="text-2xl md:text-3xl leading-normal mb-2 font-bold text-gray-800 dark:text-gray-100"><span class="font-light">Our</span> Pricing</h2>
<hr class="block w-12 h-0.5 mx-auto my-5 bg-primary-700 border-primary-700">
<p class="text-gray-500 leading-relaxed font-light text-xl mx-auto pb-2">Pay only fixed monthly fee and the rest we will handle for you!</p>
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<header class="relative pt-12 px-16 pb-4">
<h3 class="text-2xl leading-normal mb-2 font-semibold text-gray-800 dark:text-gray-100">Starter</h3>
<p class="text-gray-500">Start Up</p>
<div class="h-1 w-full bg-primary-500 mt-2 mb-5"></div>
<h4 :class="{ 'hidden': open, 'block': !(open) }" x-description="off" x-state:on="on" x-state:off="off" class="text-2xl leading-normal mb-2 font-semibold text-primary-500">$19.99 <span class="small fw-light">/Month</span></h4>
<h4 :class="{ 'block': open, 'hidden': !(open) }" x-description="on" x-state:on="on" x-state:off="off" class="text-2xl leading-normal mb-2 font-semibold text-primary-500">$199.99 <span class="small fw-light">/Year</span></h4>
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<div class="relative px-16 pb-12 text-gray-500">
<div class="mb-8">
<p class="mb-4">100 Employee</p>
<p class="mb-4">Unlimited Features</p>
<p class="mb-4">Presentation Software</p>
<p class="mb-4">Project Management</p>
<p class="mb-4">Event Management</p>
<a class="py-3 px-5 block text-center rounded-md leading-normal text-gray-100 bg-gray-900 border border-gray-900 hover:text-white hover:bg-black hover:ring-0 hover:border-black focus:bg-black focus:border-black focus:outline-hidden focus:ring-0" href="#">Get Started</a>
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<span class="absolute top-4 end-0 uajskeiolksb py-2 block align-center shadow-sm bg-yellow-300 text-gray-800">Popular</span>
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<div class="relative pt-12 px-16 pb-4">
<h3 class="text-2xl leading-normal mb-2 font-semibold text-gray-800 dark:text-gray-100">Professional</h3>
<p class="text-gray-500">Small Business</p>
<div class="h-1 w-full bg-primary-500 mt-2 mb-5"></div>
<h4 :class="{ 'hidden': open, 'block': !(open) }" x-description="off" x-state:on="on" x-state:off="off" class="text-2xl leading-normal mb-2 font-semibold text-primary-500">$29.99 <span class="small fw-light">/Month</span></h4>
<h4 :class="{ 'block': open, 'hidden': !(open) }" x-description="on" x-state:on="on" x-state:off="off" class="text-2xl leading-normal mb-2 font-semibold text-primary-500">$299.99 <span class="small fw-light">/Year</span></h4>
</div><!-- end pricing header -->
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<div class="relative px-16 pb-12 text-gray-500">
<div class="mb-8">
<p class="mb-4">500 Employee</p>
<p class="mb-4">Unlimited Features</p>
<p class="mb-4">Presentation Software</p>
<p class="mb-4">Project Management</p>
<p class="mb-4">Event Management</p>
<p class="mb-4">Most Popular</p>
<a class="py-3 px-5 block text-center rounded-md leading-normal text-gray-100 bg-primary-700 border border-primary-700 hover:text-white hover:bg-primary-800 hover:ring-0 hover:border-primary-800 focus:bg-primary-800 focus:border-primary-800 focus:outline-hidden focus:ring-0" href="#">
<svg xmlns="" class="me-2 transform ltr:rotate-0 rtl:-rotate-90 inline-block" width="1.5rem" height="1.5rem" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M53.12,199.94l400-151.39a8,8,0,0,1,10.33,10.33l-151.39,400a8,8,0,0,1-15-.34L229.66,292.45a16,16,0,0,0-10.11-10.11L53.46,215A8,8,0,0,1,53.12,199.94Z" style="fill:none;stroke:currentColor;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:32px"></path><line x1="460" y1="52" x2="227" y2="285" style="fill:none;stroke:currentColor;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:32px"></line></svg>Get Started
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<h3 class="text-2xl leading-normal mb-2 font-semibold text-gray-800 dark:text-gray-100">Expert</h3>
<p class="text-gray-500">Big Business</p>
<div class="h-1 w-full bg-primary-500 mt-2 mb-5"></div>
<h4 :class="{ 'hidden': open, 'block': !(open) }" x-description="off" x-state:on="on" x-state:off="off" class="text-2xl leading-normal mb-2 font-semibold text-primary-500">$39.99 <span class="small fw-light">/Month</span></h4>
<h4 :class="{ 'block': open, 'hidden': !(open) }" x-description="on" x-state:on="on" x-state:off="off" class="text-2xl leading-normal mb-2 font-semibold text-primary-500">$399.99 <span class="small fw-light">/Year</span></h4>
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<div class="relative px-16 pb-12 text-gray-500">
<div class="mb-8">
<p class="mb-4">1000 Employee</p>
<p class="mb-4">Unlimited Features</p>
<p class="mb-4">Presentation Software</p>
<p class="mb-4">Project Management</p>
<p class="mb-4">Event Management</p>
<a class="py-3 px-5 block text-center rounded-md leading-normal text-gray-100 bg-gray-900 border border-gray-900 hover:text-white hover:bg-black hover:ring-0 hover:border-black focus:bg-black focus:border-black focus:outline-hidden focus:ring-0" href="#">Get Started</a>
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</div><!-- End Pricing -->
Pricing Sections style 2
Our Pricing
No additional costs. Pay only one time and free for next update!
- Unlimited end products
- Personal or client
- Lifetime Update
- Supports 24/7
- Can't product sold
- Can't for generators
- 1 end products
- Personal or client
- Lifetime Update
- Supports 24/7
- Most Popular
- Can't product sold
- Can't for generators
- 1 end products
- Personal or client
- Lifetime Update
- Supports 24/7
- Can Use in product sold
- Can't for generators
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<div class="container xl:max-w-6xl mx-auto uajskeiolksb">
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<h2 class="text-2xl md:text-3xl leading-normal mb-2 font-bold text-gray-800 dark:text-gray-100">Our Pricing</h2>
<hr class="block w-12 h-0.5 mx-auto my-5 bg-primary-700 border-primary-700">
<p class="text-gray-500 leading-relaxed font-light text-xl mx-auto pb-2">No additional costs. Pay only one time and free for next update!</p>
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<h3 class="text-lg mb-4 font-semibold uppercase">Multisite</h3>
<div class="pb-2">
<h4 class="text-4xl mb-2 font-semibold text-primary-700"><small>$</small>119</h4>
<!-- pricing content -->
<ul class="space-y-6 mt-4 mb-12">
<li>Unlimited end products</li>
<li>Personal or client</li>
<li>Lifetime Update</li>
<li>Supports 24/7</li>
<li>Can't product sold</li>
<li>Can't for generators</li>
<!-- Pricing Button -->
<div class="py-2">
<a href="#" rel="noopener" class="py-3 px-5 -ms-1 rounded-md leading-5 text-gray-100 bg-primary-700 border border-primary-700 hover:text-white hover:bg-primary-800 hover:ring-0 hover:border-primary-800 focus:bg-primary-800 focus:border-primary-800 focus:outline-hidden focus:ring-0">Buy Now</a>
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<div class="relative py-16 px-12 mb-12 lg:-mt-6 bg-primary-700 text-gray-100 border border-gray-200 dark:border-gray-700 shadow-xl text-center rounded-md">
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<span class="absolute top-4 end-0 uajskeiolksb py-2 block align-center shadow-sm bg-yellow-300 text-gray-800">Popular</span>
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<h3 class="text-lg mb-4 font-semibold uppercase text-white">Single</h3>
<div class="pb-2">
<h4 class="text-4xl mb-2 font-semibold text-yellow-300"><small>$</small>39</h4>
<!-- pricing content -->
<ul class="space-y-6 mt-4 mb-12">
<li>1 end products</li>
<li>Personal or client</li>
<li>Lifetime Update</li>
<li>Supports 24/7</li>
<li>Most Popular</li>
<li>Can't product sold</li>
<li>Can't for generators</li>
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<div class="py-2">
<a href="#" rel="noopener" class="py-3 px-5 -ms-1 rounded-md leading-5 text-gray-800 bg-gray-100 border border-gray-100 hover:text-gray-900 hover:ring-0 hover:border-gray-200 focus:bg-gray-200 focus:border-gray-200 focus:outline-hidden focus:ring-0">
Buy Now
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<div class="dkslaoeyhnmj md:px-2 lg:uajskeiolksb">
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<div class="relative py-16 px-12 mb-12 bg-white border border-gray-200 dark:bg-gray-800 dark:border-gray-700 shadow-xl text-center rounded-md">
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<h3 class="text-lg mb-4 font-semibold uppercase">Extended</h3>
<div class="pb-2">
<h4 class="text-4xl mb-2 font-semibold text-primary-700"><small>$</small>499</h4>
<!-- pricing content -->
<ul class="space-y-6 mt-4 mb-12">
<li>1 end products</li>
<li>Personal or client</li>
<li>Lifetime Update</li>
<li>Supports 24/7</li>
<li>Can Use in product sold</li>
<li>Can't for generators</li>
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<div class="py-2">
<a href="#" rel="noopener" class="py-3 px-5 -ms-1 rounded-md leading-5 text-gray-100 bg-primary-700 border border-primary-700 hover:text-white hover:bg-primary-800 hover:ring-0 hover:border-primary-800 focus:bg-primary-800 focus:border-primary-800 focus:outline-hidden focus:ring-0">Buy Now</a>
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<svg xmlns="" class="inline me-2" fill="currentColor" width="1rem" height="1rem" viewBox="0 0 640 512"><path d="M256 336h-.02c0-16.18 1.34-8.73-85.05-181.51-17.65-35.29-68.19-35.36-85.87 0C-2.06 328.75.02 320.33.02 336H0c0 44.18 57.31 80 128 80s128-35.82 128-80zM128 176l72 144H56l72-144zm511.98 160c0-16.18 1.34-8.73-85.05-181.51-17.65-35.29-68.19-35.36-85.87 0-87.12 174.26-85.04 165.84-85.04 181.51H384c0 44.18 57.31 80 128 80s128-35.82 128-80h-.02zM440 320l72-144 72 144H440zm88 128H352V153.25c23.51-10.29 41.16-31.48 46.39-57.25H528c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16V48c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16H383.64C369.04 12.68 346.09 0 320 0s-49.04 12.68-63.64 32H112c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h129.61c5.23 25.76 22.87 46.96 46.39 57.25V448H112c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h416c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-32c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16z"></path></svg>
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